Saturday, August 07, 2010

Finding inspiration for this probie blogger

I spent my Saturday morning alone surfing the internet. I decided to check out blogs to try to get some inspiration for my blog. I found blogs with recipes, women blogging about their cats, and tons of blogs written by moms. What I found in most these blogs is most the authors blog about what is real in their lives. They don't seem like they are trying to be something they are not. I realized that when I write I'm self-conscious because of my lack of skills and that I am afraid no one would be interested. The blogs I read today mostly didn't seem to care as much as they wanted to get point across. Some were raw and at times un-inhibited. Others were timid and even ask if they were giving to much info.
After reading blogs for hours I decided that I want to be a better blogger and that I need to let my hair down and blog about what interest me. In the future I wont worry about who reads my blog and what they think. I am sure this will help me with my "writers" block.
So in the future here in my little corner of the blog-sphere expect, more about my cats, Hello Kitty, what I cook, Hot flashes, and lots about what gets on my nerves.

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