Saturday, May 16, 2009

My 55 gallon

This is my 55 gallon obsession. I started a 55 gollon freshwater fish aquarium this last March. So far I have lots of live plants, 20 fish, and 1 snail. 2 male Dalmation Mollies Gandolf and Rock. 2 Male tiger Barbs Spot and Verde, 2 Gold Barbs, 2 Cherry barbs, 3 male Gouramis, 3 male guppies Sunny + Skyler and noname. 2 Bolverian Rams Dippsy Doodle and Dodge. 2 leopeard cory catfish, 2 spotted cory catfish, 1 apple snail. I also have a 10 gallon freshwater tank with, 6 neon tetras, 4 rummy nose and 5 shrimp and a trumpet snail.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

A frame for a friends baby

This is a frame I made for a friends baby shower yesterday. Its for a 4x6 photo. I didn't have one so I placed a cartoon in it for now. Her baby is much cutier!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A pillow for my bedroom

Wow I havent updated this page for awhile.

This is a pillow I just crocheted for my bedroom. My hubby and I repainted our bedroom in December, and bought new furniture. so I had to make something to match!

I will work on getting some of my recent projects on here a.s.a.p.

I have some scrapbooking projects I just completed to share.